Monday, November 19, 2007
Focket, n. (fock-it) a word referring to one of those stupid fake pockets sewn into a piece of clothing to trick you into thinking you have a pocket.
Monday, October 8, 2007
14 Women/Glad I voted this year
The highlight of the event, however, was a visit by Minnesota Senator, Amy Klobuchar. She was so down to earth and wholesome, like a neighbor or a mom. This year was probably the first year I took any interest in who might be representing me and my state. Like in an old post about the HRC, it seems like the older I get, the more important human rights and other issues are. I voted for Sen. Klobuchar, and tonight I wrote her a letter and thanked her. What she had to say, (and it really wasn't life changing) reinforced my vote and made me proud to say that she represents our state!
Please take a minute to check out the review on this movie and see if you can watch it. You may have a better appreciation for some of the women and men in the Senate.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I joined Facebook
I must say, I did finish quite a few things on my list this weekend. I even got two coats of joint compound up in our basement hallway. It was SO HOT here this weekend. All of the drywall dust stuck to me. It was really gross.
I was really lonely this weekend, but I had a nice long chat with my friend, Erica. It was so nice to catch up. Dustin will be returning home on Friday! I know this week will go fast as I have lots of things to do!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Emoticon :)
![]() |
The emoticon celebrates 25 years |
Monday, September 24, 2007
Motor Trend Secret Photos
I kept Believing
IN the meantime, this is what happened the last time I tried to open PhotoShop:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
"...Don't stop bel-ieving..."
Well, they did. Turns out the email I sent to the address that Dustin found online for actually made it to Apple. After finally speaking to the friendly Apple Customer service rep that helped me originally, he informed me that I would be receiving a call from Apple Corporate Customer Service. Hmmm.
Now the waiting game. I'll let you know what I hear.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
F*** Richard at Apple Support
I love Apple, and I will never switch to PC, but I was VERY angry tonight. I missed my block club meeting because I was afraid I would waste another 15 minutes just waiting for an operator tomorrow.
Richard was very rude. In fact, if you ask my opinion, Richard does not live up to Apple values and stand up for the brand that he represents. He pretty much told me that it was my fault I purchased a refurbished computer and I should expect to send it back.
Here is what Apple says about their refurbished products:
Guaranteed Apple quality.
Before we put a pre-owned Mac, iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV up for sale in Special Deals, it undergoes a rigorous refurbishment process to make sure it's up to Apple's tough quality standards. We back it with our standard one-year limited warranty. And you have the option of purchasing an AppleCare Protection Plan for it.
Since I receiving this model of computer as a very generous Christmas gift, I have sent three different computers back before finally accepting the last one. The computer had been having some funny issues. Once a light started to shine out of the headphone jack, I was extremely suspicious. After trying to get Apple to send me a new computer, being the level headed person that I am, I sent it back hoping that it would come back repaired. It didn't.After about an hour on the phone with two pleasant operators that could not help me. They finally forwarded me to an ESL operator who was not helpful. He was rude and insulting. He tried to manipulate my words. I finally cried. It did not win me a new computer.
I just composed a letter that I will be sending to Apple tomorrow. I am ready for a good sleep.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Vacation Up North
I had forgotten what it felt like to decide what time to go to the beach. And that's ok if going to the beach was all that we did. I actually felt relaxed when I came home. And, I had a suntan! It felt SO GOOD!
I'll post some pix shortly, but my niece declared to some small friends she made on the beach that they shouldn't worry because she'd be back next summer!
August WoLF Trip
"One of the last bits I will add is the new friends I made and the old ones I re-connected with. Our pack added several new members last month due to a decline in our population. All I can say is that I think they are FANTASTIC. I spent a great afternoon getting to know a new member really well. Her number is in my phone already and I know I'll talk to her before the next meeting. I can tell already that our new members will be super engaged and ready to make a difference."
The other thing is that I am starting to meet other folks from around the company who may help me get to where I where I think I might want to be.
I went to several workshops including one about finding my own "brand" and about the Grameen Foundation. (please check them out if you haven't heard of them. It is quite interesting.)
The event left me very energized and I was able to hook up with some acquantinces from Ohio who reminded me that there would always be a place for me there.
Let me know if you'd like to hear more. I really enjoyed it.
New News
1. My department got mad at me for blogging. Not here, but for the work sponsored site. Since my Wolf event, I haven't blogged there, either. I'm quickly losing the points that show up when you post.
2. I had to send my computer back to Apple. It should come back on Monday.
Point number two is a pretty sore point. I really wanted Apple to send me a new computer. They were very intent on repairing it instead of replacing it. I will never not use Apple, but it did not put much faith into their refurbished products. Dustin and I did, however, put that past us and purchased some more refurbished Apple products. So far they seem to work.
What are these products, you ask? iPhones, of course! And you know what else, I can't hook it up to my computer!
Bring it on. Text message me!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Other Thoughts
To paraphrase, the more I have been writing, the more I have been liking it. I continually blog on an internal BestBuy site, but only my co-workers get to read it. I don't even think that my co-workers read it...It is people across the company that I don't even know. I am looking forward to it, because in two weeks in Chicago, I'll be able to meet some of them.
In any event, i feel that I am getting behind on technology these days. Is it because I'm getting old, or because I'm out of the store? I don't know. I learned all about web 2.0 which was really cool, but I'm way behind on all these other things like net tagging (del.ic.ious), RSS feeds, stuff cell phones can do, etc. For instance, I called a friend's cell phone the other day. When it rang on my end, I heard a song! CRAZY!!! Why had I never heard of this? Maybe because I have an old phone and no longer work in the wireless department.
Enough for now. I will update later if anything comes of the great idea I had for work.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
How do I get this trailer?
So, last weekend, Dustin and I went up to the north coast of MN with my parents. It was really nice to get out of the cities and also nice because I used to spend the entire summer with my family up north in Michigan. This year I will be lucky as I will have spent time up north in MN and in MI! Stay tuned for the story of the latter. I will be there this time next saturday!
In any event, on the way home, we stopped at the much talked about Betty's Pies.
There was a wait at 3:00! It was quite the popular spot!
Just as we were finishing our meal, I looked out the window and saw this spectacular rig pull into the parking lot. This trailer must hold one of everything that every true Minnesotan might want. Please look at the picture for details, it is truly worth 1000 words!
Friday, July 27, 2007
The new blender...
Check it out:
Friday, July 13, 2007
Lawn Mowing
Sorry I don't have a photo to go with this.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Wrapping Rap
" My name's Danielle and I'm here to say that I love to wrap gifts in a beautiful way.
Hat box, shoe box, linen or platter, when I'm done your gift is much phatter.
(Beat box here...)
Red or cream, gold or green, whatever color it is, it'll look keen."
I'm still working on it, so stay tuned for more verses.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Door County-Part 1
After that, Dustin and I got forced to sit in this huge adirondack chair.
I went golfing. I only took about 12 mulligans over 9 holes...
Here we also pretended to be coneheads.
Please stay tuned for photos of a true Wisconsin "Fish Boil."
Thursday, June 14, 2007

This dog was so excited to see The Gangler, that she put on a supercape and jumped through our front door!

In any event, I also learned some appalling news that in thirty three (33) states, if your company doesn't protect you, you can get fired for being gay!!! That horrifies me. Today I filled out the form on HRC's website to urge my congress person not to vote for President Bush's nomination of Dr. James Holsinger for surgeon general.
Visit the website if you have a chance...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Brown's NOT in Town

So, my neighbors who moved were back in town this past weekend to finish up some stuff on their house. Among those tasks were signing some paperwork and packing it up in a UPS overnight envelope and dropping it into a UPS box. We headed out to downtown St. Paul for dinner with plans of dropping it in a box after we ate. One would think that we

Swinson's (or the re-invention of the TV dinner)

In any event, Dustin, the Gangler, and I came up with a new way to market old-school TV dinners. In light of all of TNT's "Dinner and a Movie" type shows, lets team up with them and do, "TV Dinner and a Movie." The show would allow time to put your TV Dinner in the oven, take it out and wait for it to cool, and eat. Maybe there would even be a special shout out to the funky brownie that came for dessert in the tinfoil package.
What do you think? Swinsons? Should we package them with some vintage looking food imagery on the cardboard lid?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Block Club/Little Brown Dog
My co-worker told me I should write a story about the little brown dog. It could be kind of a poem...
Little Brown Dog I see you today
Little Brown Dog, can you come and play? Why are you afraid? Don't run away. Will I see you another day?
Ok, so it needs some work...
Monday, May 14, 2007
Other than the fact that today was one of those days that you work all day, but never get anything done, I did get my awesome new chair today! I inquired a few months ago at work, and ended up getting my very own size small Aeron Chair!!! I'm rollin' with the VPs now!

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Mix Tape

Here's a super embarassing blast from my past. I have a red Case Logic case of cassettes in the basement. I know it includes: Wilson Phillips, Roxette, U2, Sting, OMD, a bunch of REM, Sinead O'Connor and some other winners...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Old Friends
Yeah! One old friend wants to be my new friend!!!
Apple TV

In any event, we went out right away and bought an Apple TV. This stupid thing gave Dustin a HUGE headache. Though, in retrospect, I believe that it is the Linksys router and of course, not the Apple TV :)
Our house came with a network which we thought would work to our advantage, but it seems like some of the wires are bad. All we wanted to do was run this thing wired to our tower so we didn't have to stream as many files. Our house also seems to be a bunker of sorts and doesn't always have a great wireless signal.
After Dustin spent the entire day on the phone with Linksys, Apple, and finally a senior technical agent at Apple.
Finally we got the thing to stream our music...
I thought technology was getting easier, not harder...Does anyone else have an Apple TV? Even though it was in the circular at Best Buy, neither of the home theater associates knew what it was...Ahhh. Sad.
Friday, April 27, 2007
I will post more on Wolf later...
My Friends
Not only are they moving, but our other neighbors and friends that live next door to them are moving as well. Did we move in and scare everyone we met away? I suppose that there is now opportunity to meet some new friends...What's the old song from Brownies..."Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold..." then I think the group takes turns and has the magical experience of singing in the round!
Speaking of Brownies, I did a badge with yet another neighbor's Brownie Troop. It was quite fun. I helped them learn their Careers Try-It! We talked about women in the past and some women who were pioneers in the past. Not just the Laura Ingalls type pioneer, but career pioneers. We also talked about things you like to do that could be a career. We had lots of shopper, athletes and lifeguards. Vetranarian was another big choice. I guess we had a lot of pet lovers. I finished by having them draw a logo or a business card or a picture of where their business would be. The drawings were a little less exciting than I had expected, but maybe my expectations were too high.
As far as expectations go, I let some of my co-workers down at work. Ahh. I will take it as a learning. This past week was a tough one. I am working on my drawing. I will start to post some sketches...They are getting a little better. I am really trying to work on perspective and getting comfortable drawing little things without rulers. The only thing is that I need to set up a little schedule for myself. I am having a hard time deciding what to draw...maybe I'll just piggyback on other's projects and draw related things...
Auto Show

So, in light of my friend, Gretchen, posting a slew of recent blogs, including our trip to the Auto Show about a month ago, I figured that I better post a few of the photos I liked. As she said, the auto show here in MN is kind of a disappointment, especially after growing up in Detroit. There really aren't very exciting displays and the concept cars are pretty lacking. Also, the lighting in those places is pretty weird, and I think the setting was wrong on my camera. Unfortunately, I do not have Photoshop on my laptop, and although iPhoto is great, it's no Photoshop. I was trying to take photos for work of some cool displays, but I really didn't find anything too inspiring. I think I put one case in here with some wheels embedded in it. If I edit the other uninteresting photos, I'll post them...
So, a description of the photos...
- An awesome Lotus. Not a bad deal in terms of sports cars you can buy these days...
- Gretchen and Jahnvi checking out a Mini
- Dustin in a hot 911. Should I expect one in our driveway one day?
- That's a GTI that is the same color as our old kitchen...
- A display I liked...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ice Cream

What do you think? Do you think it is funny?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I never used to watch TV, other than stupid Re-runs of Saved by the Bell and Wings...but now, with the advent of the DVR and an awesome new TV, I spend countless hours watching garbage that sucks me in.
Has anyone been watching LOST? For the two or three years that that show has been on, I can't believe that they have only been on the island for what, 60 days? Why do they show you an episode where tons of "important" stuff happens, then they follow it with two or three filler episodes that keep you hanging...? I keep watching it...
(like right now, as I blog about it...)Desmond is having another vision and has convinced Charlie, Jin and Hurley to go with him. Is he trying to get Charlie killed? I guess we'll find out in a minute...
As well as LOST, we have found the first season of The OC on the Soap Network. I really can't knock those who watch American Idol when I watch this other crap. All I can say is that if you watch AI, you are buying into the American Pop Culture crappy music that hey pump into all the crappy radio stations that are out there...
So, are we going to see if Juliette is truly a plant tonight, or is she going to cross the others...?
Oh wait, commercial break...
Our Woodwork
So, the other day, we bought new oil based urethane and went ahead and put a coat of that on the doors. It is definetly the winner. I really want to take the urethane back to Menard's, but I sort of feel like it is the same as telling a server that you didn't like the sandwich you just finished...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Helvetica-A Movie about a Font!!!

Here is a new design movie about a font! I can hardly wait to check it out! Here is a description of the movie:
About the Film
Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
So, Here are some photos of the industrial areas of Duluth. We were there this past weekend and made some stops at some plastic distributors. I should have walked around a little more, but this is what I captured out of the window of the car...
Now, the one on the top is a different story. That was in Grand Marais. I think it was a bait shop, but I'm not sure. If it had been open, I would have ventured in. Now I'll just have to wonder...
Monday, April 9, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
More Snow!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Been thinking about this movie...