So, For whatever reason, I've been thinking about this movie. I saw an article online saying that Disney didn't re-release it on it's 60th anniversary. This was a huge monetary loss for Disney who was afraid that folks these days would find the movie racist. What do you think? I remember seeing this movie when I was very small...
I saw it in the theater. Must have been in 1980. Even though the main character dude was wearing shabby clothes, I thought he was pimperish because he wore a hat and had a cane. Pimperish in a good way, mind you. Not in a "beat my ladies with my penny loafer" kind of way. I'd consider buying it. It's a piece of film history. It's like a snapshot of our culture 50 years ago.
Much like the movie your blog is very positive, fun and laid out well too.
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