I was at my friend's house tonight, and she dragged out a bin of tapes. We found some gems including Weird Al, Skinny Puppy, The Cure and James. There were some mix tapes in there as well. Do you all remember your tapes? Did someone special make you a mix tape? Did you make someone a mix tape?
Here's a super embarassing blast from my past. I have a red Case Logic case of cassettes in the basement. I know it includes: Wilson Phillips, Roxette, U2, Sting, OMD, a bunch of REM, Sinead O'Connor and some other winners...
I know I have a couple of the tapes you made me SOMEWHERE. AnythingJames and Alphaville's "fallen angel" always make me think of you!!!
Wondertown Long distance powers, ACTIVATE!!!!
Yes. I think those tapes are there. I used to have a tape with Alphaville taped off the radio, I think. I sure put that Care Bear tape recorder to use!I also know there were some tapes heavy with the REM!
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