Monday, May 21, 2007

Brown's NOT in Town

So, my neighbors who moved were back in town this past weekend to finish up some stuff on their house. Among those tasks were signing some paperwork and packing it up in a UPS overnight envelope and dropping it into a UPS box. We headed out to downtown St. Paul for dinner with plans of dropping it in a box after we ate. One would think that we would have encountered several boxes to drop the package in. No such luck. We saw NONE, other than inside a building, on the streets of St. Paul. Instead of venturing back into the building we snuck into to avoid the wind and sudden 40 deg temperature, we decided to drive to our neighborhood UPS store assuming there would be a box there. NO SUCH LUCK. Is that crazy? Why was there no box at the UPS store??? We finally returned home without UPSing the envelope.

Swinson's (or the re-invention of the TV dinner) a chilly Saturday night dinner of Meatloaf and Fish 'n' Chips, the discussion turned to the vintage TV dinner. What became of the real TV dinner that you had to cook in the tinfoil pan in the oven for 45 minutes? Has this delicacy given way to the soggy variations that the microwave now offers? I remember it was a treat when a babysitter came as my brother and I always got to choose a TV dinner and eat with the TV on! What a treat! I always selected fish and chips. I don't remember what he picked...

In any event, Dustin, the Gangler, and I came up with a new way to market old-school TV dinners. In light of all of TNT's "Dinner and a Movie" type shows, lets team up with them and do, "TV Dinner and a Movie." The show would allow time to put your TV Dinner in the oven, take it out and wait for it to cool, and eat. Maybe there would even be a special shout out to the funky brownie that came for dessert in the tinfoil package.

What do you think? Swinsons? Should we package them with some vintage looking food imagery on the cardboard lid?
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Block Club/Little Brown Dog

So, I just joined a block club. For my block! I mostly joined because my neighbor friends moved away and I wanted to met some new people. Believe it or not, I met some really nice people! We all climbed out of the woodwork after the winter to meet up! Someone set up a message board so we can all chat about the little brown dog that gets out among other important neighborhood news.

My co-worker told me I should write a story about the little brown dog. It could be kind of a poem...
Little Brown Dog I see you today
Little Brown Dog, can you come and play? Why are you afraid? Don't run away. Will I see you another day?

Ok, so it needs some work...

Monday, May 14, 2007


So, today was Monday. It was also early when I got to work. Well, at least earlier than when I like to go to work! I put my vintage iPod on total shuffle which I don't usually do, and lo and behold, the first song it played was Monday, by Wilco! I think iPods can think sometimes...

Other than the fact that today was one of those days that you work all day, but never get anything done, I did get my awesome new chair today! I inquired a few months ago at work, and ended up getting my very own size small Aeron Chair!!! I'm rollin' with the VPs now!The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.